Search possibilities

Search possibilities

  • Searching by catalogue entry in the RISM-OPAC (Online Catalogue of the International Music Inventory): One of the options available here is a search by incipit, and the database is linked to the digital reproductions. For special selection options, see below.

Selecting the individual project collections in RISM-OPAC

There exist various ways of filtering out the three "Court music in Dresden" project collections from the total amount of data in the RISM-OPAC.

Court Church and Royal Private Music Collection

The catalogue entries of the "Court Church and Royal Private Music Collection" Project are clearly identified by an appropriate formulation in the remarks field. This is: "Diese Musikquelle ist Gegenstand des DFG-Projekts ,Die Notenbestände der Dresdner Hofkirche und der Königlichen Privat-Musikaliensammlung aus der Zeit der sächsisch-polnischen Union...' ". Here you can select the corresponding catalogue entries by entering characteristic components of this phrase in the general search ("All fields"), e.g.: "notenbestände dresdner  hofkirche".

If you like to obtain only the catalogue entries of one collection, you have to choose the advanced search and to enter (in addition to the above-named keywords in "All fields") "Katholische Hofkirche (Dresden)" as provenance for the Catholic Court Church sources, and  "Königliche Privat-Musikaliensammlung (Dresden)" as provenance for the Royal Private Music Collection sources. Some sources feature both provenances at the same time.

Schrank II

The catalogue entries of the "Schrank II" as well are clearly identified by an appropriate formulation in the remarks field. This is: "Die Handschrift gehört zu der nach dem ehemaligen Aufbewahrungsort als ,Schrank II‘ bezeichneten Sammlung von Instrumentalwerken der Dresdner Hofkapelle...". Here you can select the corresponding catalogue entries by entering characteristic components of this phrase in the general search ("All fields"), e.g.: "instrumentalwerke dresdner hofkapelle"

Opera archive

To obtain the catalogue entries of this project, first select the "Provenance" search category and then enter the "Opernarchiv" search keyword.

The SLUB shelf numbers

Today the manuscripts bear the usual three-part SLUB shelf numbers, which consist of a four-digit number for the composer (e.g. "2392" for Telemann), a letter for the genre (e.g. "O" for concerts) and a consecutive serial number. Example: Mus.2392-O-2.

For anonymous works, there is a "2" instead of the four-digit number (e.g.: Mus.2-N-13,2). In this regard, please note that the re-signing of manuscripts ceased at the end of 2009. If it has been possible to determine the composer of an anonymous manuscript, the "anonymous" shelf number has been retained; equally in the case of identified false attributions, a rectifying change of shelf number is no longer undertaken.